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Mantricia 7/24 - Dwayne, Dale, and Boz

This was our first time at Mantricia.  This outpost 150 miles north of Red Lake

The weather the third week of July the weather was close to 100 degrees for three days and this seemed to effect the volume of fish for us the fourth week of July for about 4 days during our week. The larger Walleye were 4 to 6 pounds and a bunch were caught in that size. The legal keeper size for Walleye is 20 inches with 4 fish possession limit.  I would say on the slow days the three of us in my party caught 100 fish per day. The northern in Mantricia were harder to come by maybe because of the week before hot temps, and 12 pounds was the largest we caught jigging. I seen on the cabin wall someone wrote 27 largest northern July 4th  -- I presume it meant 27 pounds because it was not hard to catch numerous 27 inchers and smaller. The lake definitely has the potential to produce large northern pike it is full of rocky drop offs and points. The lake has a bunch of 40 to 60 foot water.

The most interesting thing about the camp is the island the cabin is on has Walleye and Northern all around it. You can cast into 30 foot of water from the doc and the south side of the island is a huge 24 fool flat area that drops off to 30 to 40 foot on the east and west sides.  On the flats it was common to have walleye on all poles in the boat during the three days of best fishing our week. Some of the walleye on the flats were over 5 pounds and most were 16 to 22 inches. The flat area is about 400 yards by 300 yards and during our week it never failed to provide action plus you can fish for hours jigging without covering the entire area. It is great having the eater walleye and take home walleye within a couple minutes of the cabin.

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